
Please read my blogs on diverse topics in personal finance on my website. Here is a sample of some of the blogs.

Do you even need a Pension for Retirement?

A lot has been written on retirement planning and pension funds are sold aggressively. But do we really need them? While retirement is inevitable and we need to plan for this, are there other tax-effective avenues that can also provide better returns? The answer is Yes. One good option is Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) for investments.

Why power of compounding is 8th Wonder of the World!

Just like the snowball becomes big as it rolls down the mountain slope, Investments grow in value over time. Many investors wonder how mutual funds returns are achieved and how the power of compounding in mutual funds plays a major role. When discussing mutual funds, the primary consideration is often the potential for returns over the long term.

Married Women’s Property Act (MWPA) - Why you need to know?

MWPA stands for Married Women’s Property Act. This act was enacted in 1874, Section 6 highlights its importance. How do you get an insurance policy under the MWP Act? How does MWP Act protect my family? Who should opt for MWP Act? What are the important points I need to be aware of regarding MWP Act? This blog provides you all the answers.

3 Incredibly simple ways to get a high-quality health insurance plan

Assessing the need for additional health insurance coverage. What steps can be taken to improve health insurance coverage? What is the difference between top-up insurance and super top-up insurance? What are the benefits of purchasing Super Top-up health insurance? What are the exclusions in Super top up insurance plans?

NRI Investors – Should you invest in India – why and how?

Let me first give my thoughts on why NRIs should (or should not) Invest in India. One key aspect to look at is your future plans. Are you looking at eventually returning to India for good and plan your retirement in India? Then you must plan towards having enough corpus considering India’s inflation rate and not that of your home country.

Why do we need a Financial Planner?

This is a very sensitive and a commonly discussed topic amongst personal finance groups. What is the value of what a financial planner or the financial advisor or the financial coach (whatever name they are called), brings to the table. What does he/she do in addition to investment implementation. I would like to put some of my thoughts.

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